Johns Hopkins Emergency Department finds more appropriate antibiotic treatment and shorter STI visits Read more

Will COVID Testing Be Needed When the Pandemic Ends?

High School Student at School during COVID-19

With the COVID-19 vaccine being distributed and overall infection rates stabilizing, people are beginning to talk about life after the pandemic. Anxious to get back to some kind of normality, even if it means adopting a new normal that includes continued mask wearing and physical distancing, businesses are making plans to open back up.

What is PCR?

PCR’s superpower lies in its super sensitivity, which enables it to sniff out even low levels of a pathogen in minutes. Here’s how it works.

Personal PCR: Rapid, Reliable, and Prolific

Personal PCR could one day become as common as the common cold. In the future, the device will deliver lab accurate results anywhere and to anyone — forever changing our relationship with diagnostics.